The new issue of
Cha: An Asian Literary Journal is now live, and I have two poems in it---"If We Are" and "Spectral Questions of the Body." Thanks to editors Tammy Ho and Jeff Zroback for inviting my poems; it's an honor to be in the issue, which features poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, drama, and art. Zroback has a wonderful editor's note on portraiture, family, and memory, which I hope you'll take a moment to read. The editors asked contributors for a childhood photograph, which I sent them and that you see here. I think I am in first grade in the picture. Dig the mustard yellow?
You can read my new poems here.
i loved the poem selection.
i thought you should know that Julia was really inspired by your poetry...as you probably read, she was moved to write her own on the margins of your book you sent her.
Love those poems, esp. "Spectral...". And you are adorable in that picture.
Thank you, John. It's humbling that Julia was inspired by my poetry---and I read the poem she wrote. It's beautiful.
Collin, thanks for the nice words!
Congrats, Lee.
I am feelin' the poems and the mustard yellow. Looking just as good as this young kat.
Thanks, Oscar. Glad you liked the poems. And thanks for sharing your picture!---i bet we'd have been pals on the spelling bee or kickball circuit.
About the mustard yellow... Awwwww. :)
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