Thursday, February 14, 2008


At the Loft Literary Center, January 25, 2008. From L to R: Bao Phi, Lee Herrick, Bryan Thao Worra, and Ed Bok Lee.


bjanepr said...

Yeahh! How hot is that picture! Seriously though, sounds like you had a successful event in MN. Congrats.

Lee Herrick said...

Yeah, it was a lot of fun. I was stoked to meet them. Thanks, Barbara.

Jae Ran said...

That's a great photo. All those Asian American poets, so different each of you in voice and style, representing so many facets of our experience.

I'm still so sorry I missed it.

Hopefully one of these days at a gathering or mini. I'll be in CA in July -

Jae Ran

Lee Herrick said...

Thanks, Jae Ran. It feels good to be part of a growing body of Asian American poetry, you know? And I was sad that you couldn't make it---but next time, or at a Mini, or even in CA...when you're here, let me know and maybe we can grab some food. I'm not sure when we'll be back from Asia, but hopefully we can get together!

Jae Ran said...

I definitely will let you know when I make it to the west coast! And thanks for signing my book!