Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Special Issue of In the Grove, dedicated to Andres Montoya, to be Guest Edited by Daniel Chacon

From Daniel Chacon, author of and the shadows took him, Guest Editor of In the Grove special issue, Fall 2007:

Andrés Montoya
2nd Coming

I’m in the initial stages of putting together a second book of poems from the late Chicano poet Andrés Montoya, whose first book, The Ice Worker Sings and Other Poems won the American Book Award. Montoya was a brilliant young poet, a Chicano mystic, who died before he got a chance to see his book come out. His bold, lyrical style has been a great influence on young writers from California’s Central Valley and beyond. There are at least two prizes in his name, one from the MFA program at California State University, Fresno and the other from Notre Dame University.

Before he died, he was working on a second book, Whispered Fruit, which he asked me to edit and publish. To celebrate the coming of this second book, we are collecting poetry, prose and art commemorating his life and work.

In the Grove, founded by poet Lee Herrick, is the literary journal where some of Montoya’s poems first appeared. The Fall 2007 issue will be dedicated to the second book. It also will include work from other writers and artists.

Please submit work that is either influenced by or identifies with Andrés Montoya. Especially welcome are homenaje, an homage to the man/the work, such as non-fiction reflections on encounters with him or with his work, his spirit. All submissions will be considered for an anthology tentatively titled 2nd Coming.

Deadline is August 1, 2007

Earlier submissions are encouraged.
Please send all material to:
2nd Coming
Attn: Daniel Chacón or Verónica Guajardo, editors.
904 Mesita Dr.
El Paso, TX

For more information, e-mail soychacon [at] hotmail


Emmy said...

Great project, Daniel and Lee.

The Iceworker Sings is a beautiful book and I look forward to reading Whispered Fruit.

Lee Herrick said...

Thank you, Emmy. I hope it's something Andres would be proud of.