Thursday, March 15, 2007

Farewell for a While

I am exiting stage left. I've run out of things to say here---hence, the long list of music videos that follows (I always wanted to be a DJ). I've enjoyed blogging (for the most part) and am grateful to have met many nice & talented writers. I hope our paths will cross at a poetry reading someday soon. Please stay in touch.

I may be back. But I have quite a few things ahead that will be cause for celebration, work, and enjoyment---I am going on sabbatical in Spring 2008 to work on a second book (we will be spending about four months in Asia); we have a summer trip planned for Guatemala; my first book comes out in June of this year; and my website will go online around May 1, so I hope you will come by for a visit. The website will feature reviews of my book, a few sample poems, a calendar of readings, and photographs of me in Bolivia, Cambodia, South Korea, and other countries I have had the good fortune to visit.

Come May, I will be here--- I hope to see you.



daddy in a strange land said...

I'm glad we met in this little corner of the blogosphere, and I hope you keep in touch. Take care, and good luck with everything, Lee.

Ivy said...

Bye for now, Lee! Enjoy your sabbatical!

Emmy said...

Congrats on your sabbatical! Will look out for your website and your book. Will keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to your new domain and your book! Best of wishes while you're away.

Sheryl said...

I will miss you.

Hope you stop by sometimes.

C. Dale said...

Will look out for you elsewhere!

Lee Herrick said...

Thanks, everyone. I'll be seeing you around.

Anonymous said...

Best wishes, Lee. You will be missed. Don't stay away too long.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, enjoy your sabbatical. I'll look for you on the new site.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by, Lee. Good luck with the break - I know I needed one and am enjoying non-blogging. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Yay - a sabbatical! May you be productive, pleasantly so! Enjoy~

Lee Herrick said...

Thanks, everyone. I am enjoying the break.

I hope you are all doing well.