Tuesday, May 24, 2005

My First Post, Hopefully Not the Last

So here I am cyberspace...well, actually my living room in California, but this is my foray into trying to get a massive list of articles, websites, spoken word artists, movies, filmmakers, writers and artists, groundbreakers of any sort that relate to Asian American Acitivism.

I am a 34 year old, married professor of English in California---born in Seoul, South Korea, adopted at eleven months---poet, husband, music lover, traveler. I also have a real interest in activism, especially that related to Asian Pacific American politics, culture, media, and education. My own activism has been stoked by meeting the poet Amy Uyematsu, being rasied as a Korean Adoptee in America and the racism that ensues, meeting Cecelia Chang of Wen Ho Lee's National Defense Fund, lecturing on Wen Ho Lee, experiencing the embarrassing hell that was Long Duc Dong, marrying a beautiful hapa woman who teaches me about additional aspects of discrimination, reading Galang's great book Screaming Monkeys, and reading as much as I can---from classics like Ko Un and Bei Dao to young, awesome poets like Ishle Yi Park, to cool blogs, and even some of my students' essays.

So, I really am not sure what will come of this. I would love for people to post a suggestion or two for websites, links, book titles, writers, anything that I can start to compile into a list. If nothing else, I will come here and write about various things that come up in the world. For example, the morons in NJ at 101.5 FM. Boycott those fools and get involved. There's a lot at stake.




Bryan Thao Worra said...

Thanks for starting this blog. It looks like a promising topic!

Lee Herrick said...

I'm pretty excited about it. Thanks for the encouragement, Bryan. If you're ever in Fresno, let me know and you can come read to my students if you'd like.